Monday, December 17, 2012

VRA NoCal Chapter Membership Grant

One final reminder that the deadline for applying for a grant to support membership in the national and Northern California chapter of VRA is this Friday, December 21, 2012. Please click on this link for application guidelines.
Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fall 2012 Chapter Meeting Minutes Now Available

The minutes from our Fall chapter meeting at the Academy of Art University Library in San Francisco on November 14th are now available under the Meeting Minutes sidebar. You can also access the minutes directly with this link.

Thank you again to everyone who attended the meeting both in person and virtually, and especially to our gracious host at the Society of California Pioneers, Pat Keats!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Call for Applications: VRA NoCal Membership Grant

The VRA Northern California chapter is now accepting membership grant applications to support membership in the national organization for those who have demonstrated a commitment to the profession and to our local chapter. The grant will cover up to the cost of one Individual membership ($110) plus Northern California Chapter dues ($15) for the upcoming calendar year. Current or previous membership in the Visual Resources Association is not required.

Click here or on the VRA NoCal Membership Grant link to the right in the VRA NoCal Information section of this blog to view the application guidelines. The deadline for applying is December 21, 2012.

Call for Proposals: CaVraCon 2013

The California Visual Resources Association Conference, also known as CaVraCon, will provide workshops, presentations and demos dealing with the many aspects of creating, managing and maintaining visual culture collections, as well as the opportunity to network with both emerging professionals and veterans of the field. CaVraCon is a biennial gathering organized by the California chapters of the Visual Resources Association to bring together fellow professionals to learn and share.

June 27th & 28th, 2013
Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park

The organizers are seeking proposals for sessions, workshops, case studies and other program formats. Although not limited, possible topics could include:

Analog/Digital Collections
Teaching with Images: New Developments
Professional Issues
Copyright Issues
Digital Imaging Tools

Please submit your completed CaVraCon 2013 Proposal Form via email to by February 28, 2013.

Proposals will be reviewed and presenters will be notified of their selection no later than March 15, 2013.

Feel free to contact Abby Dansiger at with any questions!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Chapter Officer Candidacy Statements Due December 1, 2012

Thank you to everyone who attended the chapter meeting on Wednesday, in person and virtually! It was a fun and informative day, with some valuable lessons learned for the next time we use GoToMeeting. Minutes will be sent out in the next week or so for members to review and approve.

During the Wednesday meeting, we set a deadline of Saturday December 1, 2012 for those seeking a chapter officer position to submit their candidacy statements to our nominating committee volunteers, Trudy Levy and Andree LeBourveau. Here is the original announcement that was sent out last month:

The VRA Northern California chapter is seeking candidates for two officer positions, Chair-elect and Secretary/Treasurer. Chapter officers each serve a two-year term, with the distinction of Chair-elect automatically becoming Chair in the second year of his/her term. The terms for the new Chair-elect and Secretary/Treasurer will begin January 2013.

Serving the chapter and VRA as a whole is a very rewarding experience! As a chapter officer, you will get to know your colleagues better both locally and nationally. You will also gain important skills related to project management, outreach, and technology that will further your professional development. Finally, contributing your time as a chapter officer is an excellent way to give back to the profession and help keep VRA moving forward as a valuable network and resource.

Please see Article IV: Officers of our Chapter Bylaws for detailed descriptions of each officer position and the requirements. If you would like to submit your candidacy for either Chair-elect or Secretary/Treasurer, please email our nominating committee volunteers: Trudy Levy at and Andree LeBourveau at 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

VRA NoCal Fall Chapter Meeting & GoToMeeting

Hopefully many of you will be able to attend our Fall chapter meeting on Wednesday, November 14th in San Francisco! However, if you cannot attend in person we are offering the option to participate in our business meeting virtually via GoToMeeting. A virtual joint meeting with the VRA Southern California chapter will also be held that morning with GoToMeeting.

As mentioned in the original announcement, RSVPs for the November 14th meeting are due by November 1st. When you RSVP to, please be sure to specify if you will be attending in person or virtually. If you are planning to attend virtually, please include your preferred email address with your RSVP so we can later provide you with the directions on how to join each meeting.

GoToMeeting also allows participants to dial in by phone, so there is that option as well if you will be without computer access on November 14th but would still like to participate.

Call for 2013-2015 VRA NoCal Chapter Officers

The VRA Northern California chapter is seeking candidates for two officer positions, Chair-elect and Secretary/Treasurer. Chapter officers each serve a two-year term, with the distinction of Chair-elect automatically becoming Chair in the second year of his/her term. The terms for the new Chair-elect and Secretary/Treasurer will begin January 2013.

Serving the chapter and VRA as a whole is a very rewarding experience! As a chapter officer, you will get to know your colleagues better both locally and nationally. You will also gain important skills related to project management, outreach, and technology that will further your professional development. Finally, contributing your time as a chapter officer is an excellent way to give back to the profession and help keep VRA moving forward as a valuable network and resource.

Please see Article IV: Officers of our Chapter Bylaws for detailed descriptions of each officer position and the requirements. If you would like to submit your candidacy for either Chair-elect or Secretary/Treasurer, please email our nominating committee volunteers: Trudy Levy at and Andree LeBourveau at 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall 2012 Chapter Meeting in San Francisco: Wednesday, November 14th

The Fall meeting for the VRA Northern California chapter will take place on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 in downtown San Francisco. Our day will start at the Academy of Art University Library, located at 180 New Montgomery Street at Howard. We will be utilizing the new GoToMeeting software provided by VRA to hold a virtual joint meeting with the VRA Southern California chapter, and enable participation in our local chapter business meeting if you cannot attend in person.

After lunch, we will regroup three blocks away at the Society of California Pioneers, located at 300 Fourth Street at Folsom. Patricia Keats, Director of Library and Archives, will share examples of the image resources in the Society's collection and talk about the grant-funded digitization efforts that produced two unique databases. We will also view the current exhibition, Singing the Golden State, which Ms. Keats helped curate.

Here is the current schedule of events:

9:00-9:30AM  -  Meet-and-Greet at AAU Library
9:30-10:30AM  -  Northern CA Chapter Business Meeting
10:30-11:00AM  -  Break
11:00AM-12:00PM  -  Virtual Joint Meeting with Southern CA Chapter
12:00-2:00PM  -  Lunch
2:00-4:00PM  -  Group Visit to Society of California Pioneers

Please RSVP to by November 1, 2012. This meeting is open to all current VRA members; non-members are welcome to attend for a $5.00 fee. If you would like to join or renew your annual VRA membership before the meeting, please follow the instructions here:

More details will follow soon. In the meantime, please email if you have any questions or discussion items for the business meeting.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dates for CaVraCon 2013 Selected: June 27-28

Thank you to everyone who voted to determine the best dates to hold CaVraCon 2013 at Sonoma State University. Our winning set of dates is June 27-28, which received 7 out of 15 votes.

Thank you again for your participation!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

CaVraCon 2013 Location Selected! Cast Your Vote Now for Dates!

The location for the second CaVraCon, the California Visual Resources Association Conference, has been selected! CaVraCon 2013 will be held at Sonoma State University, in a beautiful room in the Library at the Jean and Charles Schulz Information Center. Special thanks to Karen Kessel, Visual Resources Specialist, and Barbara Butler, Library Director, for helping us secure this space for our event!

We are currently conducting a poll to find out which dates members prefer to attend CaVraCon 2013. The poll is available on the recently launched CaVraCon 2013 website here, and is open through Wednesday, July 18th, so go vote now!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Joint VRA and ARLIS/NA Northern CA Chapters Meeting Minutes Now Available

The minutes from the joint VRA and ARLIS/NA Northern California chapters meeting at Mills College Library are now available. Please see the Meeting Minutes section in the sidebar of this blog, or click this link.

It was wonderful to get together with members of our chapter who were unable to attend the VRA conference the previous week, as well as share the day with local ARLIS members!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Joint CA Chapters Meeting Minutes Now Available

The minutes from the joint California chapters meeting held on April 20, 2012 during the VRA 30th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico are now available! Please see the Meeting Minutes section in the sidebar of this blog, or click this link.

Thank you again to all the meeting attendees for an engaging discussion of current projects, challenges in the profession, and sharing of ideas for further collaboration between the Northern and Southern California VRA chapters.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Save the Date! VRA NoCal Spring Meeting

Please save the date of Friday, April 27, 2012 for our Spring meeting. I am happy to announce that this will be a joint meeting with the Art Libraries Society (ARLIS) Northern California Chapter at Mills College Library in Oakland, California.

More details and a full agenda will follow soon, but for now please note that we will be meeting in Room 115, the Elinor Raas Heller Rare Book Room. Janice Braun, special collections librarian, has generously agreed to give a tour and share highlights from the Mills Special Collections.

The ARLIS and VRA Northern California officers are very excited about this event, and we hope you can join us!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Application Deadline Approaching for SEI 2012 Scholarships!

Hi all,

Just a reminder that the March 6th deadline for submitting your application for one of the five SEI 2012 scholarships is fast approaching! For full details, please see the SEI 2012 website's Scholarship Information page here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SEI 2012 Scholarships Now Available

Five scholarships sponsored by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation are now available to support attendance at the upcoming ARLIS/NA-VRAF Summer Educational Institute (SEI), which will be held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor from June 19th-22nd, 2012.

Each scholarship recipient will receive $770 to cover tuition, three nights of dormitory housing, and minor incidentals. Applications will be accepted from February 7th-March 6th, 2012.

SEI provides a valuable professional development opportunity by addressing several relevant topics in our field, including digital imaging, intellectual property rights, metadata, and strategic planning.

For full details about the application process and the SEI program, please visit the SEI 2012 website.