Thursday, October 20, 2011

VRA NoCal Chapter Fall Meeting: November 4th at CoDA, UC Berkeley

Please join VRA NoCal, the Visual Resources Association Northern California Chapter, for our Fall meeting on Friday, November 4, 2011, at UC Berkeley’s CoDA, the Center for Digital Archaeology, located on the UC Berkeley campus at 2224 Piedmont Avenue. The day’s activities will begin with our chapter business meeting at 9:00 a.m., followed by two presentations, a tour of CoDA, and an optional visit to the Kurt Schwitters exhibition at BAM/PFA.

About the Presentations:

  • Jan Eklund, Business Systems Analyst, IST Data Services, UC Berkeley, will follow up on her talk from this summer’s CaVRACon about implementing CollectionSpace for the UC Berkeley Art History collection, “Deploying CollectionSpace for a VR Collection.”

CollectionSpace is a community-source collection management system designed to address the challenges faced by many institutions stewarding different kinds of collections. This presentation will first introduce the Mellon- funded CollectionSpace development project and will then focus on the the IMLS-funded effort to deploy this product for use by the History of Art Visual Resources Collection at UC Berkeley.

Jan Eklund, formerly Curator of Visual Resources for the History of Art Department at UCB, is now an independent metadata consultant and domain specialist for UCB IST-Data Services. She is currently drawing on her 36 years of experience in the field of Visual Resources to help migrate data from the History of Art legacy database into CollectionSpace.

For more information about CollectionSpace, please see:

  • Dr. Michael Ashley, Chief Technology Officer at CoDA, will discuss the projects taking place at CoDA, as well as lead a tour of the facility.

CoDA, the Center for Digital Archaeology at the University of California, Berkeley, aims to empower archaeologists, technologists and educators by driving the adoption and development of digital heritage solutions, emphasizing the practical, the doable, and the achievable for practitioners of our field with as little reliance on technology specialists as possible.

Michael Ashley Ph.D. is a digital conservation architect. Dr. Ashley has more than 16 years of experience in cultural heritage informatics management and education. He received his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, where he co-founded several initiatives, including the award winning Open Knowledge and the Public Interest (OKAPI), and the Media Vault Program, which seeks to develop digital preservation frameworks for research and scholarship. An archaeological photographer by training, he was the Media Team lead for the Çatalhöyük Research Project for more than 7 years and has worked on heritage preservation projects worldwide.

For more information about CoDA, please see:

This meeting is open to all current VRA members; non-members are welcome to attend for a $10 fee. To join or renew your annual VRA membership, please submit payment directly to VRA following the instructions here:


Meet and Greet at CoDA, 2224 Piedmont Avenue (9:00 a.m. - 9:30)

Coffee, tea, juice, pastries

Business Meeting (9:30 - 10:30)

Introduction of new officers

Secretary/Treasurer report

Discussion topics:

Request from the VRA Development committee for contributions to speaker fees by the regional chapters for the 2012 conference

Proposed CA VRA Con North in June 2012

15-Minute Break (10:30 - 10:45)

Presentation by Jan Eklund (10:45 - 11:45)

Lunch Break (11:45 - 1:00 p.m.)

Presentation by Dr. Michael Ashley (1:00 – 2:00)

Tour of CoDA (2:00 – 3:00)

Optional Visit to BAM/PFA (3:00 – 9:00)

Meeting Location Information:

UC Berkeley’s CoDA, the Center for Digital Archaeology, is located at 2224 Piedmont Avenue. The CoDA building is near the intersection of Optometry Lane and Piedmont Avenue, just north of the Boalt Hall School of Law and west of the California Memorial Stadium.

Public Transit / Parking Information:

The nearest BART station to UC Berkeley’s campus is the Downtown Berkeley stop:

AC Transit Trip Planner:

AC Transit UC Berkeley:

Information on honoring other UC permits:

UC Berkeley parking maps:

List of public parking lots:

BAM/PFA Visit:

About the Kurt Schwitters Exhibition:

Visitor Information:

You can view and download the full meeting agenda here along with the "Berkeley Guide," provided by CoDA, which includes more detailed information about public transportation, driving and parking, and dining options.

To help us plan accordingly for morning refreshments, please RSVP by November 1st to Karen Kessel (, 707-664-2145) or Abby Dansiger (, 415-618-3761). Please also contact Karen or Abby with any questions or concerns, or if you have any additional discussion items for the business meeting.

We look forward to seeing you on November 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it will be a great meeting, wish I could come check it out!
